Production - Creative
- Bibliographic department
- Interlibrary Loan department
- Rarity department
- Exchange and reserve fund
- Depositary department
- Acquisition department
- Classification and real catalogue organization department
- Classification and alphabetical catalogue organization
- Public Relations department
- Readers service department Common reading hall N1 Scholars'
reading hall N2 Periodicals reading hall N3 Fine drawing's sector Cartographical editions
sector Registry
- Periodicals acquisition department
- Periodicals processing department
- Periodicals depository department
- Information centre
- Scientific-information department of culture and arts
- Archive documents collecting processing and protecting
- Library automation department
- Technical, agricultural, medical, economical, juridical, and
UNESCO editions service department
- Scientific-methodical department
- Scientific-research sector
- Music and audio-visual editions department
- Department of acquisition, processing and service of
economical, special types of technical documentation and technical-information sources
- Jurisprudence, agricultural, technique and medical
specialists informational-bibliographical service department
- Special literature department
- Foreign literature department
- Kartvelological department
- Artists group.
- Georgian books depository department
- Russian books depository department
- Hygiene and restoration department
- Cataloguists and consultants group
- Publishing and information materials printing department
Creative Staff |
- Mechanization and new technologies department
- Photo laboratory
- Binding sector
- Signalling and communication
- Economic department
- Fire-prevention devices and fire-defence department